
I’m profoundly saddened today.

I’m sad because SO MANY people that should be celebrating that 50 years of the federally-sanctioned slaughter of innocents is over, are instead … angry, and sad, and many are gnashing their teeth and screaming violence.

I think this is a defining moment for this country. The leaders who should be protecting the innocent and defenseless are instead demanding their demise. The political divide in this country, deepened over the last 50 years, has reached almost “Grand Canyon” proportions. I don’t remember the reference, but God says that sometimes judgment is delayed until the sin reaches up to heaven and He can wait no longer. I think we’re just about there.

I’m also saddened that just when the war should be over, and the enemy defeated, we now have even more battles to fight. No doubt the pro-abortion states will now double down and increase abortion activity, even like Oregon, actually allocating taxpayer funds to transport people here for their free abortions. Even as other states ban abortions at earlier and earlier stages of pregnancy. And who even knows the depths the abortion fanatics will go: they are already attacking pro-life pregnancy centers, almost 1 in 6 around the country, and churches. The culture of death, at work in the abortion industry and its supporters for over 50 years, has now spilled out into the country at large. And if the unborn, the most vulnerable, are not safe, how much less their living defenders….

But I’m also sad at my own heart. I’m supposed to be a Christ-follower. One who loves his enemies and prays for his persecutors. And yet, and yet … I hear myself (and certainly my wife hears me) calling down curses on them, hoping for their death, crying “How long, O Lord?” I mean, really?!

And yet somehow I also know that there is an angel moving through the land, and marking those who weep and mourn over sin. And it won’t be long.

May we, may I, be found weeping over my own sin. May I, may my family, be found waging war with spiritual weapons. May we be found not weary in well-doing, not lacking in prayer, or zeal, or devotion. Jesus is at the door!