Alright, I’m just going to write this. It’s politically incorrect and will probably offend everyone who reads it, but I’ve got to get this off my chest.
I want to talk about the abolition of abortion in these “United” States.
From my last post you will know that I am deeply involved in the pro-life movement, and specifically, currently, here in Roseburg Oregon. Which actually involves a lot more than just defending the unborn. It’s about doing everything we can to protect LIFE that comes from God. And I am committed now more than ever to seeing abortion ended in this country, and well, everywhere…
So just lately I’ve seen some pushback from “abolitionists”, who are now arguing against and vilifying others in the pro-life movement as being soft and compromising because they (the abolitionists) insist that since abortion is murder, that mothers who abort their babies should face murder charges (probably in addition to others involved in the abortion process, although there isn’t any controversy about “the others”). They insist that if we are to be consistent and actually end abortion that we must punish all involved equally.
Since I’m currently working with many women in the pro-life movement and was married to a mother who actually had three abortions (before we were married), I have some experience and as a result have some pretty deep convictions about this. And this “abolitionist” position makes me really angry, and here’s why:
- In “normal” cases of murder, one of the primary discriminators between first-degree, second-degree, manslaughter, etc. is motive. Someone has died, but the culpability, the guilt, and therefore the degree of punishment often (and by law) comes down to other things surrounding that unfortunate and devastating event. Was is preplanned? Was it intentional? Was there malice? Were other criminal acts involved?
- I have read at least one vocal abortion abolitionist who claims that all other (softer, and therefore “compromised”) pro-lifers are inconsistent because (he says) abortion is murder, and if I hire someone to murder for me, then I am just as guilty as the one who pulled the trigger, so to speak. And so, in his view, the same should apply to abortion. Mothers as well as abortionists should be charged with murder. I think this argument is misguided on several levels, so let me try to explain.
- Yes, abortion is murder. No question in my mind. A separate, distinct human life has been forcibly terminated against its will.
- But I think there is a huge gap in terms of motive, intentionality, malice, even knowledge, between the abortion doctor / facility who actually kill the baby (for money) and the mother who did the “hiring” of them. Not to mention the father of the (now dead) baby, who oftentimes seems to get a free pass in this whole debate, but who (often, but not always) has a hand in the abortion as well (maybe even the “hiring”) and who certainly participated in the act of conception that started the whole process.
- Firstly, one statistic I’ve heard is that upwards of 60% of mothers who have abortions are COERCED into having them. Often by the fathers, or by the baby’s grandparents, or other family members. I’ve heard of PASTORS or their wives who have pushed their daughters into abortions for fear of the scandal getting out of an illicit pregnancy, and thereby ruining their “testimony”. So, statistically, in a super-majority of cases, the “murder” by the mother was actually against their wills, and therefore doesn’t even rise to the level of “murder” (legally speaking).
- Secondly, those in the pro-abortion / pro-choice camp have for many years been preaching (obfuscating, propagandizing) that it’s “just a blob of cells, like a polyp”. And in spite of years of medical research, increasing technology, etc. MANY young mothers have never heard / seen this, and are therefore woefully ignorant of the FACT that this pregnancy is their little baby. Which is why, according to statistics, a HUGE percentage of mothers who get to see their baby via ultrasound images actually change their minds and don’t have the abortion (I’ve heard 80 or 90% or maybe more). So, arguably (and I think it’s a strong argument) these mothers don’t even think a human life is involved. So, legally speaking these don’t even rise to the level of “manslaughter”, much less murder, on the part of the mother. And have you noticed that the huge abortion industry and pro-abortion politicians, news media, etc. are now speaking of abortion in terms of “women’s health care”?!
- Thirdly, there is a huge societal guilt that is ignored here as well, and on the part of the church to boot. As an example, during some of the revivals in America in the 19th century, the change was so profound in a number of places that the bars and brothels closed down because they had no more customers. Now apply that to abortion. How many abortion providers would have to close their doors if there were no more young women and men who were interested in their services? And revival can only come from the church. So where was the church in 1973 when Roe vs. Wade was decided? Where was the church when the Supreme Court justices who made that decision were going through catechism or confirmation (as the majority of young people did in the 1st half of the 20th century) and who were not taught the sanctity of life? Where was the church as teen pregnancy and divorce became more and more common? Where was the church as doctors sitting in their pews started to think about how much money they could make providing abortions? George Tiller (a notorious late-term abortionist) was killed in the Baptist church he attended…. I think we were mostly apathetic, uncaring and asleep to the dangers…. And the prophets tell us that God was/is mostly angry with the shepherds who were in charge and allowed these things to happen.
- And where is the real love even now for the “adulteress caught in the very act” (John 8)? How do we treat the young women (or their boyfriends) who get pregnant out of wedlock in the church, or in our neighborhoods? Do we even know about it? Do they even feel safe enough to let us find out? Are we pushing them to abortions, even in subtle ways, by not providing the same atmosphere that Jesus did when the tax collectors and prostitutes gathered to hear him? Do we offer the same love and consistency that Jesus did when he said, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”?
- And what about those boys, those young men? Do the abolitionists propose to give them the same punishment? I mean, oftentimes (not always since they could be married), the first crime (in God’s eyes) was the illicit sex that resulted in the pregnancy to begin with. I mean, it’s been a long road even to get the law to recognize that the johns who go to visit prostitutes are just as guilty (if not more so) than the women they visit (remember the bars that closed). So, if the issue is consistency of justice, why don’t men who get their girls pregnant and then leave them to make a hard choice to keep the baby (which they now would have to do alone) or terminate the pregnancy, have to face murder charges too, when the mother of their baby makes the horrifying decision to kill the baby as the lesser of two evils??? Not to mention those who actually pay for the abortions… (Not saying that punishing the men is part of the answer, but if we’re going to be consistent, then I think the question should be asked.)
- And then, for consistency’s sake, why don’t we hear those same abolitionists argue that the parents who elect in-vitro fertilization and therefore have viable embryos destroyed should also be charged with murder??? It’s the same separate human life as an embryo in the womb, after all. And maybe they do make this argument; but I don’t hear the same vehemence about it.
- And finally, I want to say, having heard/seen the testimonies of women having had abortions and the myriad of problems they face, such as depression, suicidal tendencies, drug addition, sexual problems, health problems, miscarriages, inability to conceive, guilt upon guilt. Not to mention rage, anxiety, other mental illnesses…. I want to say that many women who have (let’s just say it) aborted their babies, killed their babies, are TORTURED by that decision, that act, however much they were coerced or not, or knew or not. So, I have to ask, what perverted sense of justice does it serve to further charge a women who is racked with guilt by her abortion to then charge her with murder as well? She has already charged herself with it; constantly, day after day, year after year, and sometimes with death by suicide as a result.
- Now, not that all women who have had abortions have such issues. Seemingly, scarily, there are women who are sincerely not troubled at all. And for those women, I could say, perhaps, charging them with murder might be “just”, “appropriate”. But I think these are the exception that doesn’t prove the rule.
- So, my question to the abolitionists is this: “Which approach to the woman caught in adultery actually made a lasting change?” Was it the Pharisees gathered to stone the woman for her sins (but interestingly, not the man she was caught with)? Or was it Jesus who didn’t condemn her, but told her (and gave her the grace) to “go and sin no more”?
So, I’m angry. And I have to say I’m angry with myself more than anyone else. I came late and reluctantly to the pro-life movement. Shamefully I originally thought it was all political, and so I shouldn’t be involved with it. Doubly shamefully, even after coming to my senses I was too apathetic, had too little love, to actually do anything. I had no skin in the game. And but for the grace of God, I would have been one of those young men who would have gotten a young girl pregnant, and would have wanted the “problem to just go away”…. I know this about myself. Without Jesus, I am a selfish, cowardly, perverted person. I (inwardly at least) was the worst person I knew. And even now, I know I’m not as active as I could be, I haven’t sacrificed like many I know to end abortion, to help young women (and men) make good choices, to walk uprightly, to help young pregnant women make the courageous choice to do the RIGHT thing, to help young men to stand up and be MEN and also do the RIGHT things, to advocate for life, for righteousness, to point everyone I can to the Savior who alone has the answers. But I’m getting further.